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Uniform Dating

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Uniform Dating - find out more about this uniform dating site

7.8 is a great site. This is one site that we haven’t seen naked women on. The people here have respect for their profiles, and keep it within certain boundaries as far as we’ve seen.  That’s what makes this site unique. They take the complicated out of complicated and give the user what they need. A bio, a user name, and all the stats like quotes by the individual they’re looking to meet. This seems to be a truly clean site. They do have a statement that they’ve been online for the last 10 years. You may want to research that, but we think it’s true.

If the digital age existed in the early 1950’s, a dating site would look like this. That’s how clean it looks to us. They are completely businesslike, and up front with all their postings. Rules and regulations are set straight forward, and there’s nothing hidden. Did we say it was a great site? Well, there you have it.

The Preliminaries

Of course, you’ll need to sign up, and get your initial membership. Otherwise, you won’t get into the site. They like to make you do that so that they have numbers that tell investors how they’re doing. How many sign-ups, and how many success stories is always a good thing to talk about at the board meetings. Since you have no choice but to sign up so you can see the site. We can tell you that with all certainty it’s a good site. Sign up!

The sign-up process is just the same as many other sites. You’ll add your email, username you wish to be called, create a password, and then confirm your email.

It’s all pretty much plain Jane as you go until you get into the site.

You may be asked to verify your identity. They do periodic checks on their users. This is for the safety of all individuals. Send them whatever they need, or you can be expelled from the site.

Your Dashboard

Once you get into the site after completing your membership registration, there’s a straight forward format that you can study almost like a report. We’re guessing that because the site is set for military personnel, it’s easier to read and understand. It works for us because it’s all right there on your main dashboard. Everything you may want to know about a person of your interest is here at point-blank range for you to magnify, and investigate.

Getting into the Nitty Gritty

You can click on the site girls, or read some of the latest comments of other girls for their profile. It is set up to be unique, and we believe they’ve accomplished that. There are no super sexy pictures unless you think that people with clothes on is sexy. The people here on are real. Many are honest about themselves, what they do, and what they want. It’s a bit of fresh air after sifting through a lot of other sites with people who say they want Mr. or Mrs. Right Now. (Though, it’s possible to find that here as well.)

Individual Profiles

Individual profiles on are somewhat unique. They have a lot that tells you a lot. You get to know all the physical aspects, and possibly see pictures of the individual you’ve clicked on. The best way to make a decision about a person if you want to contact them is when they put at least three or more pictures and fill out their profile. This is how you can tell if a person is serious about wanting to find someone.


When you come into the site after the sign up, it welcoming. You get to see a lot about what the site is about, and some different goodies. You can take a look at some individuals on a type of slide show. You can rate them by looking at a single picture, or you can go to their profile. This can give the algorithms an idea of what you’re looking for. As you go into someone’s profile, you’ll see more about them if they’ve filled it out. That’s a tremendous advantage.


Don’t you wish all sites like this were free? Well someone has to make money somewhere in the process of this. It takes a membership no matter what singles or dating site you’re on. That’s really the only con we can find.

Happy searching!

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