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Uniform Dating

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Uniform Dating review


Dating for those in uniform, from military to medical staff. Our review looks at a fairly unique genre of online dating that’s still growing.

MyUniformDating is a nice site. Some things are so well hidden, that you need to search for them. Some things are straight in front of you. We think you'll have fun with this site finding all the magical ways they reveal profiles to you. You won't need a full membership to see what they have. That's the great thing about it.

Like many other single sites, you can set up your profile. It's a simple process. Then, check your email and be sure to look at spam mail as well as, if you have a promotions set email too. When you find it, just confirm your email. You're off and running. Sometimes it can take 24 hours to set your email with them because they check through all memberships manually. Bots, or any other digital security checks happen after they check your initial information.

Simple, Easy, Effective

It's not a big busy site, and much more welcoming than other sites you see on the net. Lots of women are interested in meeting real men. Some of the women are veterans of some form of service in the military. Some are just regular women who are looking. It's a nice place to browse around.

The cool thing is that you can find out just enough about another person to decide if you want a full membership. This way, you can get to know them. When you sign up with, you will have access to a lot of women from anywhere you choose. You will need to go back to your profile and keep changing locations to get a fresh menu.

Make Your Profile Spectacular

We can't say enough about making your profile the best it can be. Take the best pictures you can without making them look professionally done. Use the timer on your camera or have a friend take pictures so it's all in real-time instead of a professional shoot.

A few tips:

Don't wear sunglasses for more than one or two pictures out of 10. People like to see your face. So, don't do it unless it's actually a cool pic.

Give your bio some real truth about you. One of two lines in your bio can help, but if you elaborate on your bio gives others a chance to honestly decide if they like you or not.

A Good Clean Site

The profiles on might surprise you. Many are nothing like this advice, but they don't see the value in a large bio. We've reviewed and seen many singles websites and can tell you that the better your bio is the better response you'll get from the kind of people you're looking for. You won't need to weed them out as hard. For females on this site, there will always be a creep. Unfortunately, it comes with the male culture. Just be aware that isn't like all the other sites. It seems to be a better site than most of them out there.

Browsing Through the Hundreds

Go through and catch up after you get your initial membership. The wonderful world of is pretty much straightforward forward but clicking around may reveal some small surprises. Figuring out the website and all the little treats is part of the fun. It's about going through the process of learning and being active in it. This is the best way to interact with both the website and other people. The more you are on the site, the more the site helps you find the right person.

The fastest way to get started is to click search and set up your preferences. All you have to do after that is click "Search." If you don't find anything there. Then, go to the top and click "Matches."

Pick a profile. Take a look at all the things in the picture to see what they do. Have some fun clicking on them to see where it takes you. Just remember it’s part of the business to prompt you to buy a membership so, you’ll get prompted on one or two of your clicks. Just back out of that and find another way to see a profile.


If you're into simply looking around at a singles site and then leaving, it's more tempting on this site to make a full membership. We recommend this site. It's a nice site. It gives you a real chance to meet people whether they be right for you or not, you can always make a friend.


If you don’t have a little change in your pocket, the only con is that you won’t be able to get a membership.

Have fun on this site, it's an adventure, and a treat to find nice people you have things in common.

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